Zine Zone 12/8/24

Zine Zone
A space to explore, buy and make zines at the Holiday Arts Festival!
Sunday, December 8 | Free Admission
Zine Zone: 10am-4pm
Cut + Paste Workshop: 11am-2pm
Richmond Art Center, 2540 Barrett Avenue, Richmond, CA
Guess what? There’s going to be a Zine Zone at this year’s Holiday Arts Festival! This vibrant space celebrates zinemakers and indie artists who, through their creativity, remind us to stay connected to the arts, community, healing, and social justice. The Zine Zone will feature guest artists Alex Martinez, Avy Jetter, and Flood Tide Zines, along with a free, drop-in zinemaking workshop, and plenty of community zinesters.
Friendly reminder, we ask everyone entering the Zine Zone to wear a mask. If you forget yours, don’t worry—we’ll have extras available.
Avy Jetter, @nuthingoodat4
Wairimū Kamau, @floodtidezines
Alex Martinez
Camille Fulmore, @makeitgocam
Lyn Patterson, @poetryntings
October Stoner, @stonerzines
Shani Ealey, @ani_igboya
Mei Johnson of We-Haul Collective
Isaac Li, @isaacleeee
Sola Habibi, @sola.habibi
Julian Mithra, @julianmithra
The Lady Ms. V.Jenkins, @vaginajenkins
Rochelle Sanchez, @rochellesanch
Sofia Criswell, @atrevidasofia
Thea Herner-Brown, @gladysgoosearts
Debbie Barish, @thenewdebbieb
Diboura Tamirat, @dibouraaa
Zora Whitfield, @zoras_sun
Paul Mussack, @p.moose.socks
Soren Dawson, @marin.zine.club
Kweli Kitwana

The Zine Zone is supported, in part, by a Richmond Arts & Culture Commission NPA-Mini Grant.
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