A message from RAC’s Interim Executive Director

Dear Richmond Art Center Community,
We are living through unprecedented and uncertain times. As the Interim Executive Director of the Richmond Art Center, I understand the important role it plays in the lives of our community. Our commitment to health and safety remains the top priority. To reduce the spread of COVID-19, our Board of Directors is following the recommendations of Contra Costa County Health Services and the California Department of Public Health by closing the Richmond Art Center through May 3. This is a painful step for us, and for the community we serve.
Richmond Art Center is still here
Despite this challenging time, the Richmond Art Center remains committed to visual arts. We are looking into new channels to provide interactive online art classes, webinars, and DIY projects for all ages. We are also exploring new ways to share future exhibitions.
Support the Richmond Art Center Community
In order to continue the Richmond Art Center’s mission, we are pursuing innovative ways to secure additional funding to help us through this difficult time. The Richmond Art Center Board approved funding through May 2020 to continue salaries and benefits to support and retain staff, who make our art programs possible. All nonprofits are facing tremendous financial challenges, with budgets and fundraising impacted dramatically. While we are doing everything in our power to bring in new funding, we ask for your support now more than ever.
In this socially and financially stressful time, we are especially grateful to serve a community that believes in the arts. As we do our part to “flatten the curve,” the Richmond Art Center will continue to provide visual arts leadership and stay focused on the belief that, “within every person lives an artist.”
Be well, stay safe, and remain hopeful.
Michele Seville
Interim Executive Director
Richmond Art Center
Support the Richmond Art Center, richmondartcenter.org/support/donations/
For updated information on health, community and artist resources, please visit, richmondartcenter.org/rac-updates/
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