Richmond Art Center’s education programs create experiences for art-making inspired by play and exploration, personal narrative, existing artwork, and formal art principles. Each year over 2,000 youth engage in Richmond Art Center’s arts education programs both onsite and off-site in the community. All opportunities are either free or fee-based with scholarships available.

Summer Education Programs
Summer Art Camp provides kids an exciting immersion and exploration of a variety of visual art practices.
Summer Art Intensives offer teen and young adult artists opportunities for skill-development, mentorship and developing their own visual language.

Distance Arts Learning Videos
Videos in both English and Mandarin offer inventive art activities for young people to get creative at home – limited to no art materials required!

Enjoy these art activities designed by our teaching artists to help folks get creative at home.

Youth Art Tours
Youth Art Tours offer K-12 students opportunities to view, discuss and engage with art. Tours include a visit to our galleries and an art-making activity in our studios.

Art in the Community
We bring high quality art-making experiences to young people and families across Richmond and neighboring cities.

Professional Development
Our engaging and informative Bring Art to Your Classroom workshop series is aimed at K-6 public, charter and private educators based in West Contra Costa