Giving Tuesday To Inspire Generosity; Help Us Reach Our Goals

We hope you will support the Richmond Art Center during Giving Tuesday on December 2. This one-day national fundraising event aims to inspire people, like you, to donate to the nonprofits you love.
Watch the video below and see the after-school art programs that generous people, like you, are helping us to deliver to children all across Richmond. Your donation today will help us continue to grow these Art in the Community programs to engage over 1,600 local children next year. Your generous gift on #GivingTuesday will help us bring art experiences to more children next year. Make a Donation Online Our Art in the Community programs, shown in the video above, doubled in size last year! This year, we will provide free art-making classes to more than 1,200 local children. Your generous gift today enables us to continue to grow this program and to bring our teaching artists and STEAM programs to 16 local sites this year.
Demand for our scholarships continues to outpace our funding — last year we fulfilled less than half of our applications. Make a donation today and help us double the number of scholarships we make available to our low-income children, adults and seniors to create more opportunities for lifelong learning.
We taught 13 elementary school teachers techniques for how to use art as a teaching tool for core curricula in our first Professional Development workshop in 2013. Your generous contribution today will help us expand this workshop to teach 40 teachers this year—an effective way to embed arts education into local schools and expose even more students to art. 1,000 local children took field trips to tour our galleries and enjoy an art-making lesson last year — twice as many as 2012. Access to art helps expose children to a diversity of ideas and creative perspectives. Your donation will help us grow our tour program so that more local children reap the benefits of access to the arts. Make a Donation Online Tags: featured
Donate by phone: 510.620.6772
Donate by mail or in person: 2540 Barrett Avenue, Richmond, CA 94804
Donate $200+ and your gift will be doubled thanks to an anonymous foundation, up to the first $10,000!
Your donation today will help us reach all of our ambitious goals for the coming year
Expand our Art in the Community programs
Double our Scholarship Funds
Embed Arts Education in Local Schools
Grow our Art Tour Program
Help us continue to thrive as the largest visual arts center in the East Bay by making a donation today.
Donate by phone: 510.620.6772
Donate by mail or in person: 2540 Barrett Avenue, Richmond, CA 94804