Special Event: From Africa to Richmond

From Africa to Richmond
Special Event for Black History Month
Online Presentation by Patricia Mapps
Monday, February 28, 7pm-8pm PST | FREE
CLICK HERE TO RSVP: https://richmondartcenter.org/events/from-africa-to-richmond/
For Black History Month, Richmond Art Center will present Patricia Mapps: From Africa to Richmond, on Monday, February 28 at 7pm. Through archival research, oral history, and DNA, Patricia has traced her ancestors to Africa and uncovered a story of enslavement, emancipation, the decision to purchase and live on the land they “tamed” when enslaved, their transition to farm laborers then to farmers, and Civil Rights activism in Richmond. In this special online event, Patricia will share the story her research has uncovered in a presentation which will be followed by a Q&A session. This event is free but registration is required to access the zoom link.
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