You are our favorite (future) member*

You are our favorite (future) member*
- Members are a vital part of Richmond Art Center’s mission and success
- Memberships support free admission, education programs, and outreach
- Plus there’s perks! All Members receive a 10% discount on RAC studio classes
- Memberships over $100 include NARM benefits — free admission to over 1,000 participating museums nationwide!
* Already a member? Thank you! Your support helps keep our doors open.

Renew/join as a Member before 8/31/22 and receive a free and fabulous tote bag.**
**Members must join/renew at the Individual level or higher ($100+) to receive the tote.
Top image: Detail from Rebeca García-González’s mural We Found Joy In Art-Making / Encontramos La Felicidad Haciendo Arte. García-González created this mural in 2021 at Richmond Art Center’s 25th street entrance with assistance from Richmond youth Leslie Poblano and Denise Campos. Photo by John Wehrle.
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