Julee Richardson

Julee Richardson
About: I have always known that my imagination could take my aesthetic experience anywhere I wished to go. My formal undergraduate art training began in Buffalo at the State University of New York. My work is inspired by what I feel and what I see. Seeing, expressing and creating art, which is influenced by the social forces within society, is what I do. Using the eye of the artist, my sculptures a rise from the intersection of imagination, interpretation and expression.
The intensity of the past year has caused me to revisit earlier works. They are included in this show. The 6″8″x 3′ pen and ink drawing began in 1967 and were completed in 2020 after the death of George Floyd. They were 53 years in the making, born out of the pain of social injustice. Both my work and I have come full circle.
Ceramic sculpture has dominated my work. The wall piece in this show was also revisited this year. “The Victim, Say His Name” echoes the mood that caused people to flood out into the streets because their cauldrons of anger boiled over. Some works are gentle and lyrical. Some are strong and bruising, some wail their pain and despair. The spectrum is immense and always accented by mood, texture, color, form sensitive line and expression. My Masks are inspired by the beautiful and endangered people of the Omo River Valley. My ceramic bust I refer to as Art that Breathes. My Steampunk pieces are my imagination in overdrive. I have included a link to my work where these works can also be seen.
Instagram: www.instagram.com/juleerichardson1
More info: I am a Renaissance Woman. I sign my work Julee.
I was born on the East Coast, but have spent my adult life in Northern California. My formal undergraduate art training began in Buffalo at the State University of New York. I also spent a year abroad studying art in Siena Italy. As a child drawing and coloring was the only time I was still and focused.
When my journey is complete, my work will say. . . what I saw, what I felt, and tell my stories.
Images: “The Victim, Say His Name” (top), “Her Sacrifice” (bottom left), “Mothers of Generations” (bottom right)