ENOUGH Stitch n’ Bitch and ENOUGH Photo Portrait Sessions

ENOUGH Stitch n’ Bitch + ENOUGH Photo Portrait Sessions
With Anne Wolf and Lisa Levine
Saturday, July 22, 11am-3pm
Richmond Art Center, 2540 Barrett Avenue, Richmond, CA
What does ENOUGH mean to you?
Here are two ways to engage with this idea:
Stitch n’ Bitch: Stitch on a multilingual ENOUGH Protest Banner while reflecting on the many meanings and translations of ENOUGH.
Materials will be provided. No sewing experience necessary.
ENOUGH Considered Portrait Session: Become part of the ENOUGH Considered portrait project by artists Lisa Levine and Anne Wolf. The photo sessions offer an opportunity to write and reflect on the multiple meanings of ENOUGH. After reflecting, each participant is invited to choose an ENOUGH stamp and apply it directly to their body as a means of healing an old wound or violation, as a message of boundaries/protection, or a means of sanctifying one’s own sense of abundance.
Each participant will receive a copy and the digital portraits will be added to the exhibition.
This event is free, open to all, and no rsvp is necessary.