55th Annual WCCUSD Student Art Show

Every spring Richmond Art Center partners with the West Contra Costa Unified School District to present the annual WCCUSD Student Art Show. For the first time in 2021, due to the covid pandemic, this show is presented as an online exhibition. The 55th Annual WCCUSD Student Art Show show represents the wealth of student artistic talent in the district. It also demonstrates how over the past year teachers and students have moved forward creatively within the boundaries of an online art classroom; finding ways for innovative arts curriculum and artistic expression.
Participating Schools: De Anza High School, Fred T. Korematsu Middle School, Hercules High School, John F. Kennedy High School, Pinole Valley High School, Richmond High School
Top Image: Michelle Zhao, Grade 10, By the Light of the Window, 2021, Oil pastel. Hercules High School, Teacher: Schrampf
West Contra Costa Unified School District generously sponsors this annual student exhibition.