Richmond Art Center Richmond Art Center

Inspired by Toshiko Takaezu

Inspired by Toshiko Takaezu

Last week in the “Women in Ceramics” class, students drew inspiration from the renowned artist Toshiko Takaezu. They created hollow orbs using Takaezu’s technique of paddling large closed-form pots until they achieved a “rounder than round” shape.

Further emulating Takaezu’s approach, the students then suspended their work in hammocks outside in the courtyard. (Local sculptor John Roeder’s statue looked on.)

Takaezu said of her work, “People ask, why are you doing the same thing? So I usually try to tell them I’m trying to get a perfect piece. And what is a perfect piece? And if I had it would I know it? And I’m sure I’ve gotten some that are perfect, and yet I don’t want to admit that because then I would stop. So I keep on saying “I’m going to make a perfect piece.” And that’s what I’m striving for.”

Thank you, Toshiko Takaezu, for inspiring us to keep striving also. 

“Women in Ceramics” is taught by artist Colleen Garland @colleenandclay. There are a few spots left in Garland’s “Evening Handbuilding” class starting on June 13.


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Richmond Art Center
2540 Barrett Avenue
Richmond, CA 94804-1600


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Gallery Hours: Wed-Sat 10am-4pm