Artists, sign up HERE to join Art of the African Diaspora 2021!
Art of the African Diaspora, in partnership with Richmond Art Center, supports artists of African descent in the Bay Area through representation, professional development, and building a creative community.
In 2021 Art of the African Diaspora will be hosted at and All artists who register to participate will be included in the online exhibition with an individual webpage highlighting their work. Artists can also host virtual or in person* open studios, artists talks and other events in conjunction with Art of the African Diaspora.
“Art of the African Diaspora is an exhibition that introduces African Diaspora art to new audiences, but also provides fresh insight into its artists and their Bay Area experiences. We are excited that the 2021 program will be a virtual hybrid which we anticipate will expand our audience,” says Stephen Bruce, artist and Steering Committee Chair, AOTAD. “Each artist reveals a special story and offers a unique view into the world they live and social connections that drive their creativity.”
Online Exhibition Dates: February 11 – May 16, 2021
Artist Registration Deadline: Sunday, January 24, 2021, 11:59PM
More Info and Artist Registration:

Top image: Fadhili Rauf looks at artwork from Art of the African Diaspora, including a ceramic piece by Renata Gray (2019).
* No in person events will be held at Richmond Art Center. Individual artist events are subject to City and County health orders and compliance with the social distancing requirements.