Call for Artists: Our Town Juried Exhibition


Ensor Screen Shot 2016-02-11 at 8.20.07 PM

Our Town
Juried Exhibition

June 12 – August 27, 2016

Richmond Art Center


The people and places which mark a town as “Our Town” are as varied as our lives.

The histories and generations of schools and teachers, shops and customers, workplaces and co-workers, these populate our days.

As the Richmond Art Center reflects on its 80th Anniversary, we are asking for your views, impressions, thoughts on what makes a place unique, what gives a place its identity, what meaning can be drawn from experience, association, or memory. We invite artists to show us their art reflecting their town, our town, a better town.

Juror: Jack Fischer, director of the vibrant Jack Fischer Gallery in San Francisco, brings a unique point of view to this selection. Always fresh and direct in his response to art, Fischer extends a multi-textured and open approach to “Our Town.”

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: Monday, April 11  

Notification of jury results (via email)Sunday, May 1

All accepted work must be Hand Delivered Friday, May 27 or Saturday, May 28 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Opening Reception: Saturday June 11     5 – 7 PM

Exhibition Closes: Saturday, August 27

Pick up of accepted work: Sunday, August 28,  or Monday, August 29  11 a.m. –  4 p.m.

Eligibility/Jurying Criteria

  • California Residents only
  • All media except for Video/Film
  • Original work produced in the last three years
  • Size Limitations: no larger than 36 x 36 inches
  • All works must be suitably prepared for hanging or installation.

Entry Fee

Entry Fee is $40 for two works
RAC Members Discount:  $30 for two works
$15 for each additional work


Awards totaling $1,000

Submission Entry Form

Submission of artwork entries is online only. Go to  CaFÉ at

Deadline:  Monday April 11, 2016   11 p.m.

Digital Images are required for Jurying

  • Images must be submitted online in the Entry Form.  The images must be in jpg format at 300 dpi .
  • JPEG must be labeled with Artist’s first and last name and title


The Richmond Art Center will insure the artwork while on site with the exclusion of any damage due to acts of God.  Artists are responsible for insuring their artwork to and from the RAC.


The RAC will retain 40% commission on all art sales. Not for Sale work (NFS) will also be accepted but an insurance value must be stated.

For general information, please contact Jan Wurm via email

Image: Christ’s Entry into Brussels, James Ensor, 1888.