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Calling Artists and Makers! | Free Drawing Class | Creative Self-Care | Día de los Muertos | Classes Starting in November | Remembering Betty Ann Barnett | Renewal Fund
Calling Artists and Makers!

Artist Registration Now Open
The Holiday Arts Festival returns in 2020 with a hybrid online and curbside event!
Artist Registration for the Online Arts and Crafts Hub is now open. This online directory for artists and makers is a space to share and/or sell work during the holiday season. But it’s more than just about retail… All artists are welcome to post their work in this non-juried, creative space!
Arts & Crafts Hub Early Bird Registration Deadline: Wed, Nov 4, 11:59PM
Free drawing class…

Stay Home This Halloween and Draw Online with Us!
Join teaching artist Yael Levy for this Halloween-themed drawing class featuring a live model in costume (students are welcome to dress for the occasion too!). All ages and levels welcome. Saturday, October 31, 1-4pm
Creative Self-Care

Take Care of Yourself This Election Season
Heading into a stressful 2020 election, we’ve invited artists to share some simple ideas and reflections on the theme of creativity and self-care. The Creative Self-Care videos will be released on our website and social media. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube and, if you feel inspired, share your own stories of creative self-care! #creativeselfcare #richmondartcenter
Watch the first video by Jennifer Lugris…
Día de los Muertos

Ofrenda Activity for Día de los Muertos
Traditionally a Día de los Muertos altar is an intentional space dedicated to a person or people that have passed away. Use this activity sheet to create your own altar in memory of someone that has passed. You can include anything you want to celebrate them; photos, foods they like, flowers, etc. There is no right or wrong way to use this template to remember a love one!
Classes starting in November
Click HERE to browse all our Fall 2020 Classes

Salt Clay Ocean Adventure for Fun and Friendship
Come dive in for a fun under sea adventure! Experiment with drawing, painting and sculpting. We will use salt clay and household items to make fabulous sculptural art.
Kids Class (7-12) | Thursdays, 3-4pm, 11/5 – 12/10

Drawing Workshop Series
Experiment and play with drawing techniques using pencil, charcoal, chalk pastel, ink, tempera, watercolor and mixed media!
Adult Class (Ages 16+) | Saturdays, 11am-1pm, 11/7 – 12/5

Curiosidades de México II : Ex-voto
En este proyecto pintaremos un exvoto. Un exvoto es una pinturita donde cuentas una anécdota, deseo o leyenda. Tiene sus propias características y un estilo llamado Rasquachismo o Kitsch. Esta clase será en español.
Edades 10-16 | Sábados, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, 14 Nov – 5 Dec

Dive deep into one of the most quintessential and complex ceramic forms — the teapot. Learn the construction process and discuss ideas on how to successfully connect form and function.
Adult Class | Mondays, 10am-12pm, 11/23 – 12/7
Renewal Fund

If you have not done so already, please consider making a contribution to the Richmond Art Center Renewal Fund to safeguard our future.

Betty Ann Barnett
After a full and loving life, Betty Ann Barnett passed away on Thursday, October 15, 2020 at her home in Point Richmond, California. Passionate about theater, dance, music, history, and art, Betty was an art docent for 15 years at the Oakland Museum, board member of the Richmond Public Library, and former Richmond Art Center Board President.
Have something to share? Please email us at