Early Bird Registration Special for Spring and Summer Art Camps!


Art Camps


Early Bird Registration Special!

Come make new art and new friends at the Richmond Art Center this summer!

  • $20 off any session of Spring or Summer camp at the Richmond Art Center when you sign up early! Register before March 31 with coupon code: RACAMP. Coupon can be used more than once and combined with other offers.
  • Signing up multiple kids? Use coupon code: SIBLING for 10% off registration

Our teaching artists will create wonderful opportunities for students to experiment, create, and make amazing art in our beautiful studios. Classes are organized by age and you can sign up for multiple weeks to experience everything we’re offering this summer. Full descriptions and instructors will be listed on our website. Students age 7+ who are taking a morning and afternoon class can break for lunch in our enclosed courtyard supervised by summer camp staff.


About our Art Camps

The Richmond Art Center’s Art Camps offer kids and teens a nurturing environment and creative atmosphere to experience hands-on activities including painting, drawing, clay, weaving and collage in small morning and afternoon classes during summer and spring breaks from school.

Parents have voted! The Richmond Art Center has won the Silver Award for Best Arts Camp in Contra Costa County and Gold Awards for Best Art Classes and Best Enrichment & After School Programs.