HAF Curbside Market Canceled due to Covid-19


A Message for RAC’s Community:

Your safety is really important to us. In light of the rapid increase of Covid-19 cases in Richmond, we have decided to cancel the in-person Ceramics Sale and Curbside Vendor Market for our Holiday Arts Festival at Richmond Art Center.

But you can still enjoy the Holiday Arts Festival!

We’re continuing to assess the rate of new Covid-19 cases and hope to reschedule our Vendor Market sometime in Spring 2021. If you were planning to pick up your Thank You Gifts at the market we will be in touch with you soon.

We are deeply sorry for this inconvenience, but feel it’s necessary for the health of our staff, vendors, and community.

Until we can see you at RAC again, we look forward to keeping in touch through our online happenings, and wish you and your loved ones a safe holiday weekend.


José Rivera
Executive Director