Put your Online Shopping Dollars to Work for the Richmond Art Center

Richmond Art Center

At no cost to you, your online purchases can help support the Art Center!

We all buy stuff on-line. It’s easy and convenient. With a tiny bit of advance planning, you can designate the Richmond Art Center as the recipient of a donation each time you buy. Your purchase price will not be increased; the donation comes from the company from which you are buying. Here are two ways to make this happen:


iGive Logo



There are two ways to use iGive; you can install a simple button app that automatically activates at more than 1,400 participating stores (such as Walgreen’s, Staples, Crate & Barrel). Cut and paste the following URL into your browser: http://support.igive.com/kb/a136/igive-button-how-it-works.aspx and follow the instructions for getting the button.

Or you can just start your shopping trips on-line by going to iGive.com. Either way, a percentage of what you spend is donated to the charity you designate, which we hope will be the Richmond Art Center. The stores pay an average of about 3 percent, but some pay 20 percent!



AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. Neat, right?

Simply follow these three easy steps to give a little extra support all of our art programs:

  1. Go to: smile.amazon.com, and set up an Amazon account or log-in with your existing Amazon account info.
  2. Select the Richmond Art Center as your charitable organization.
  3. Start shopping from smile.amazon.com instead of amazon.com, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchases to us.

Note: In order for the Richmond Art Center to receive donations from your purchases, you MUST shop through smile.amazon.com and not via amazon.com. If you have an Amazon account, you will receive your full account benefits through this charitable giving platform in the same manner as their main domain platform. For example, Amazon Prime members still receive their Amazon Prime benefits through the AmazonSmile domain.

Thank you for your support!