Visit Our Vendors at the Holiday Arts Festival!


The Holiday Arts Festival at the Richmond Arts Center is a great place to find unique gifts for the holidays for friends and loved ones! We’re proud to showcase so many local artists, including several of our own instructors. Below is a collection of some of the items that will be for sale here on December 5 from 11am – 3pm. Please join us to support the Richmond Art Center, our local artists, and our wonderful community.


Jewelry by Frank Mancuso.


Paintings by Lisa Greenstein.

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Korean textile art by Youngmin Lee.

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Jewelry by Dawn Gonzales.

holly earrings

Enamel jewelry by Holly Carter.

claire narwhal

Prints by Claire Seipser.


Drawings by Megan Seiter.

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Handmade brooms by Hannah Quinn.

Emily Duffy Pear Mosaic.72dpi

Stained glass by Emily Duffy.

Sterling Silver Riveted Hoop Earrings

Jewelry by Karen Trown.


Chocolate by The Xocolate Bar.


Reimagined Menswear by Sonya Lee Barrington.

Glassware by Nightside Studios.
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Jewelry by Donna Jadis.