Not sure what class to take this Winter? Here are a few suggestions to build your art skills. And we’ve got some new selections for the young people in your world, too!
NEW! Lapidary Arts: Shaping and Polishing Stone
Sumi-e: Japanese Brush Painting
NEW! Stunning Abstracts in Soft Pastel
Stop-Motion Animation, Ages 8 – 11
3D Modeling and Printing, Ages 11 – 14
Soft Sculpture: Knit and Crochet
Winter Beyond the Studio
Busy? Did you know that you can use the RAC Printmaking, Metals, and Ceramics studios WITHOUT taking a class? Previous RAC students can attend 3 hours per week of studio time by signing up for Beyond the Studio! Must sign up either in person or by calling (510) 620-6773. Whether you’re an advanced artist who just needs to use the equipment, or you’re schedule is too tight to take a full class this Winter, we’d love to see you here!