Floyd Brown

Floyd Brown
About: In what seems but the blink of an eye, I find myself in life’s season of winter. Yet, somehow, with a reborn burst of creative energy, I have discovered springtime, the season of renewal. It is a curious, but delightful paradox.
Photography allows me to unleash my imagination and creativity and to harvest my passion for life. Photographers capture light; that is what a camera does. The art of photography is the deliberate manipulation of light to create an image for the viewer to interpret. Photography has given me “new eyes” with which to see our world and opened my heart to perceive the beauty that surrounds us. From photorealistic to the abstract, from nature to the creations of mankind, there are endless images to be captured and limitless opportunities for unleashing the imagination, to trigger thought and to nourish the soul.
Linktree: linktr.ee/floydbro