Malik Seneferu

Malik Seneferu
About: Memories of my childhood play a tremendous role in my approach to creating art today. In my early years, my mother a single parent lived in fear for my health due to the environmental hazards of San Francisco’s Hunters Point district. I suffered from asthma. Therefore, my innate interest in drawing and painting became that of a marriage over sports modeling my pursuit for constant spiritual mental, and physical elevation. Having siblings among others as viewers of my work challenged me to go beyond my limitations. I remember my late grandmother a Barber and tailor sewing for hours at her machine after coming home from work. I would sit at her feet and draw on a paper bag with a pen, marker, crayon or a number two pencil.
Art is an absolute liberation of my imagination, a tool I use to communicate and share my “inner-light.” I have regular memories of my childhood working at the local supermarket, helping elders with their shopping bags. Receiving tips helping my grandmother in her barbershop by sweeping up the hairs to find money mysteriously hidden in large clumps. At the end of each service, those who knew me would say, “ Never stop doing your art.”