TaSin Sabir

TaSin Sabir
Dear Mama,
Our isolation strings us together like ropes that anchor ships to the shore.
Holding tightly, but barely holding on as we slip in and out of fear and into hope for yesterday times.
We move forward blindly, arms outstretched,
Warning! Measuring! But yearning for closeness.
The memory fading.
Stories we will tell our young if we could only remember.
This masquerade is now the only show and we are lost.
There is no map through these vacant streets, abandoned buildings, and empty parks,
Yet, we will bear down and push.
The way we did before.
Push through the pain and weeds surrounding our core and we will feel at peace.
TaSin Sabir uses her love of art to express topics that are important to her. TaSin graduated from California College of the Arts with a BFA in Photography. An Oakland native, TaSin’s artwork has been exhibited all around the Bay Area and Nation. TaSin has published two photography books: Madagascar Made and 100 Families Oakland. Currently TaSin runs a Photography and Graphic Design business. tasinsabir.com
Website: www.tasinsabir.com