Liberación Gráfica

Liberación Gráfica
About: Liberación Gráfica is a community-based art collective whose mission is to provide opportunities for self and community expressions through silkscreen printing. The collective is made up of Richmond-based artists, teachers, and community organizers: Eddy Chacon, Lisette Vera, Daniel Cervantes and Francisco Rojas. Liberación Gráfica was established in 2019 and since has worked towards teaching youth the process of silkscreen printing through a social justice lens with the intention to bridge gaps between communities of color and bring awareness to social injustices faced by the Richmond community.
Instagram: @liberacion_grafica
Liberación Gráfica will be a vendor at the Holiday Arts Festival from 10am to 5pm on Sunday, December 4 at Richmond Art Center, 2540 Barrett Avenue, Richmond.
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