Past Exhibitions 2020-2019
23rd Street Mural Honoring Black Lives Matter
City of Black and Brown Solidarity
You Found Me: A Gift For You
Entrada Sagrada
At this very moment
Holding Warmth
This is life long work
Exposure / Exposición
Three Artists in the Studio
Portrait of a Neighborhood
Over and Under (wish you could be here)
Under Shelter: Jos Sances
The Future is Fluid
Right Here, Right Now, Richmond
Art of the African Diaspora
Rich Reality
Ready and Waiting
Pause, Gap, Omission
Parts Unseen
Discontent with Brute Force Uploading
2019 Members' Show
Siempre Estaré A Tu Lado
Richmond Creates! The 7th Annual Art in the Community Show
54th Annual WCCUSD Student Art Show
Faces Without Noses
Here is the Sea
The Art of Living Black 2019
Place as Landscape/Place as Concept
Empowering Threads: Quilts from the Social Justice Sewing Academy