Empowering Threads: Quilts from the Social Justice Sewing Academy

Special event: Quilts to Power, Saturday, March 2, 12:30pm – 2:00pm
In August 2018 the Richmond Art Center and Social Justice Sewing Academy (SJSA) partnered to run a workshop at the Latina Center in Richmond, CA. Women from the Latina Center’s leadership program came together to learn how to visualize social justice issues to design fabric squares that express ideas relevant to themselves and their community. The multiple squares were then embroidered, pieced and sewn together to create a quilt that amplifies the impact and energy of the individual messages within it.
Empowering Threads brings together recent SJSA quilts made in workshops held across America, including quilts by women at the Latina Center and youth from Richmond High School.
About SJSA: The Social Justice Sewing Academy is an education program that utilizes textile art as a vehicle for personal transformation and community activism. Founded in 2016, SJSA has run workshops with high school students, Boys and Girls Clubs and community groups in Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland, Richmond, Los Angeles, Rhode Island and Cambridge.
Image: Laura Madriz, My Blood is in the Soil, 2016
Evento especial: Quilts to Power, sábado 2 de marzo, de 12:30 a 14:00.
Hilos de Empoderamiento: Colchas de la Academia de Costura de Justicia Social
Artistas: Artistas de la Academia de Costura de Justicia Social.
Hilos de Empoderamiento reunirá las recientes colchas de SJSA hechas en talleres realizados en todo el país, incluidas las colchas de mujeres del Latina Center y los jóvenes de la Escuela Secundaria de Richmond.
Acerca de SJSA: La Academia de Costura de Justicia Social es un programa educativo que utiliza el arte textil como un vehículo para la transformación personal y el activismo comunitario. Fundada en 2016, SJSA ha realizado talleres con estudiantes de secundaria, clubes de niños y niñas y grupos comunitarios en Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland, Richmond, Los Ángeles, Rhode Island y Cambridge.