54th Annual WCCUSD Student Art Show

Every spring the Richmond Art Center partners with the West Contra Costa Unified School District to present the annual WCCUSD Student Art Show. This teacher-curated show represents the wealth of student artistic talent in the district, as well as best practices in delivering an art-based curriculum. The Richmond Art Center and WCCUSD share an ongoing vision that art education is a crucial component of a thriving and productive society.
The West Contra Costa Unified School District generously sponsors this annual student exhibition.
Participating Schools: De Anza High School, El Cerrito High School, Fred T. Korematsu Middle School, Helms Middle School, Hercules High School, Hercules Middle School, Kennedy High School, Mira Vista Middle School, Pinole Valley High School, Richmond High School, Sylvester Greenwood Academy, Vista High School
Image: Emiko Akiyama Tahara, A Room in the City, 2018. Courtesy of the Artist and Fred T. Korematsu Middle School
See Emaline Lubinger-Chavez’s article The Beautiful Chaos of Art for a student’s perspective on the WCCUSD Student Art Show!
54ª Exposición Anual de Arte de Estudiantes de WCCUSD
Galería: La Galería de la Comunidad y la Galería Occidental
Fechas de Exhibición: 26 de marzo – 24 de abril de 2019
Recepción: martes 16 de abril, de 5 a 7 de la tarde
Cada primavera, el Richmond Art Center se asocia con el Distrito Escolar Unificado de West Contra Costa para presentar la Exposición anual de arte estudiantil de WCCUSD. Este espectáculo curado por maestros representa la riqueza del talento artístico estudiantil en el distrito, así como las mejores prácticas de entregar un plan de estudio basado en el arte. El Richmond Art Center y WCCUSD comparten una visión continua de que la educación artística es un componente crucial de una sociedad próspera y productiva.
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de West Contra Costa patrocina generosamente esta exposición anual de estudiantes.
Escuelas Participantes: De Anza High School, El Cerrito High School, Fred T. Korematsu Middle School, Helms Middle School, Hercules High School, Hercules Middle School, Kennedy High School, Mira Vista Middle School, Pinole Valley High School, Richmond High School, Sylvester Greenwood Academy, Vista High School
Imagen: Emiko Akiyama Tahara, A Room in the City (Una Habitación en la Ciudad), 2018. Cortesía del artista y de la escuela secundaria Fred T. Korematsu