The Art of Living Black 2019

Rae Louise Hayward

Exhibition: January 15 – March 8, 2019
Open Studios: Saturday and Sunday, February 23 & 24 and March 2 & 3, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm The Art of Living Black Open Studios Guide PDF
Satellite Exhibitions: Throughout January, February and March. Details are published on The Art of Living Black’s Facebook events page and in the Open Studios Guide
Spotlight Artist Talk: Saturday, February 2, 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm, More info…
Reception: Saturday, February 2, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm, More info…
In Conversation: Joyce Gordon and Christine Harris: Saturday, February 9, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm, More info…
Closing Party: Friday, March 8, 3 pm – 5 pm, More info…

Co-founded by the late Jan Hart-Schuyers and the late Rae Louise Hayward, The Art of Living Black is the longest running event of its kind in the Bay Area to feature artists of African descent. The 23rd Art of Living Black presents an exhibition of over 100 works at the Richmond Art Center, as well as Open Studios and Satellite Exhibitions at locations across the Bay Area.

The 23rd Annual Art of Living Black is organized by TAOLB Steering Committee in partnership with the Richmond Art Center. The Art Of Living Black Steering Committee is a dedicated group of established Bay Area artists touched by the vision of Jan Hart-Shuyers and Rae Louise Hayward. The group’s mission is to preserve and expand the vision of their beloved founders by supporting emerging, mid-career and established artists of African descent.

Jan Hart-Schuyers Creative Merit Awardees: Stephanie Thames, Tomyé, and Karin Turner.

Participating Artists: Juliette Acker, KaliMa Amilak, Ester Armstrong, Randy Babb, Latisha Baker, Janet Barnes, Derrick Bell, Rodney Bell, Charles Blackwell, Lorraine Bonner, Zoë Boston, Donna Mekeda Bradley, Valerie Brown-Troutt, Marguerite Browne, Stephen Bruce, Jason BYrd, Larry Byrd, Ronald Calime, Aaron Carter, Claude Clark, Tiffany Conway, Zwanda Cook, Nia Crater, Lorenzo Crockett, Kelvin Curry, Angela Dalke, Bill A. Dallas, Jim Dennis, Pete Dent, Gene Dominique, Double R, Angela Douglas, Anna W. Edwards, Jimi Evins, Omilade Fayomi, Thomasina Ferguson-Howard, Vaughn Filmore, Anjuelle Floyd, Naomi Floyd, Donna Gatson, David Graves, Renata Gray, Donald Greene, Kawana Hampton, Chuck Harlins, Jan Hart-Schuyers, Idris Hassan, Rae Louise Hayward, Raymond Haywood, Raymond Holbert, Yolanda Holley, Steve Hurst, Pam Jackson, Kimberly Johnson, Will Johnson, Woody Johnson, Virginia Jourdan, Justice 4 Tyranny, Val Kai, Jessica Keener, Leon Kennedy, Therese Key, Brian King, James Knox, Rasheid Lattimore, Dulama LeGrande, Jennifer A. Lockette, Brenda Macauley, Taylor Made, Alix J. Magloire, Ajuan Mance, Genesse McGaugh, Susan McGuire, Sonjhai Meggette, Brianna Mills, Abi Mustapha, Rostum Nosa Okungbowa, Elmarise Owens, Karen Oyekanmi, Patricia Patterson, Yolanda Patton, Patricia Perry-McGee, Margrett & Raife Pickett, Damon Powell, Leslie Printis, Fadhili Rauf, Kumi Rauf, Gwendolyn Reed, Marva Reed, Justice Renaissance, Julee Richardson, Hilda Robinson, Dawn Rudd, Wanda Sabir, Jabali Sawicki, Malik Seneferu,  Shanju, Sean Shelly, James Shorter, Angela Simms, Bertrell Smith, Mark Sublett, Nichole Talbott, Thomas Tandy, Stephanie Thames, Mildred Thompson, Tomyé, Charles Tuggle, Karin Turner – karinsArt, Orlonda Uffre, Xan Walker, Jennifer Ward, Daniel White, Chance Garrick Williams, Nedra Williams, Danielle Wright, TheArthur Wright, Hawa Zabel, Nigel Ziyad

Image: Rae Louise Hayward, Three Women, date unknown

El 23° y Anual Art of Living Black


Exposición: 15 de enero – 8 de marzo de 2019.
Visita a los Estudios: sábado y domingo, 23 y 24 de febrero y 2 y 3 de marzo, de 10:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m.
Exposiciones Satelitales: A lo largo de enero, febrero y marzo. Los detalles se publicarán en la página web The Art of Living Black y en la Guía de Visita a los Estudios.
Charla de Artistas Destacados: sábado 2 de febrero, de 12:30 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.
Recepción: sábado 2 de febrero, de 2:00 pm a 5:00 pm
Charla de Oradores Destacados: Joyce Gordon y Christine Harris: sábado 9 de febrero, de 12:00 a.m. a 1:30 p.m.


Cofundado por Jan Hart-Schuyers y Rae Louise Hayward, The Art of Living Black es el evento de su tipo de más larga duración en el Área de la Bahía que presenta artistas de ascendencia africana es una exposición colectiva sin jurado que presenta obras de artistas afrodescendientes. La exposición se lleva a cabo en el Richmond Art Center y está acompañada por una Visita Autoguiada a los Estudios (Open Studios) y por Satellite Exhibitions.


El 23° y Anual Art of Living Black es organizado por el Comité Directivo de TAOLB en colaboración con el Richmond Art Center. El Comité Directivo de Art Of Living Black es un grupo dedicado de artistas establecidos del Área de la Bahía tocados por la visión de los fundadores Jan Hart-Shuyers y Rae Louise Hayward. La misión del grupo es preservar y ampliar la visión de sus queridos fundadores apoyando a los artistas emergentes, de carrera media y establecidos de ascendencia africana.