Yisrael K. Feldsott: Annunciating Obscurities brings together works from the 1970s to the present that showcase the artist’s exploration of the formal potentials of disparate materials to articulate what he calls “…the pool of collective memories that we share as human beings. These memories tend to be symbolic, and exist cross-culturally. These don’t belong to one group of people; they’re shared amongst all of us.”
While in his early 20s, Feldsott attracted the attention of San Francisco Museum of Modern Art curator Rolando Castellon, and became one of the youngest artists featured at that institution in 1979. Feldsott then turned his back on the art world and went on a spiritual quest that led him to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, to Guatemala, and to the Amazon in Brazil.
Feldsott immersed himself in the traditions of indigenous communities in Central and South America, championed environmental issues and studied with indigenous people for over 20 years. He became a student of traditional medicine, a teacher, healer and most of all a visual allegorist. In 2002, Feldsott reevaluated the importance of showing his work — how sharing his visual enunciations creates a cultural dialogue — and resumed exhibiting his work.
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