Press Release: Artists Hung Liu and Michael Hall Present Works Considering War and Its Personal Toll, at Richmond Art Center’s Fall 2016 Exhibition

INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ARTIST HUNG LIU AND FORMER STUDIO ASSISTANT MICHAEL HALL PRESENT WORKS CONSIDERING WAR AND ITS PERSONAL TOLL, AT RICHMOND ART CENTER’S FALL 2016 EXHIBITION The relationship between an established artist and the historically vital position of studio assistant are examined in Making Our Mark, the 80th Anniversary Exhibition presented by the Richmond Art […]

For Sale: Mechanical Dobby Loom

Mechanical Dobby Loom for sale – $1800 obo in very good condition 48″, 16 Harness #380077 – 48″ weaving width – 16 Harness, polyester heddles – Mechanical dobby with dobby bar, pegs – Plain warp beam – Sectional beam – Standard Beater – Built in bench – Designed and used as a rug loom Please […]

Press Release: Bay Area Painter Squeak Carnwath Presents Work with Former Student

BAY AREA PAINTER SQUEAK CARNWATH PRESENTS WORK WITH FORMER STUDENT DRU ANDERSON IN RICHMOND ART CENTER FALL 2016 EXHIBITION PROGRAM From September 13 through November 12, the Richmond Art Center will highlight 14 established and nationally known artists, including Christopher Brown, Squeak Carnwath, Enrique Chagoya, Lia Cook, Allan deSouza, Mildred Howard, James Melchert, Hung Liu, […]

Press Release: Rosie’s Girls and the Richmond Art Center: Partnering for Strength

Two historic Richmond organizations are celebrating their ongoing, creative connection in this 80th year anniversary of the Richmond Art Center. For the past several years, the Art Center has partnered with Rosie’s Girls, a program designed to help girls build self-esteem, leadership skills, and physical confidence through an exploration of trades and non-traditional activities. The […]

80th Anniversary Gala Tickets on Sale August 15!

This year the Richmond Art Center turns 80! We’re planning a fun-filled event to celebrate the Art Center’s remarkable growth over the past four years and to honor our past, our present and our exciting future. Early Bird pricing for tickets is $135 per seat and begins August 15 until September 5 (or are sold out). After September 6th, the price of […]

Reunion at the RAC

In honor of our 80th Anniversary, we’d love to hear from all of our past exhibiting artists who have shown work in our juried shows and curated exhibitions. Our goal is to compile and share your memories, art, and experiences as the Art Center has grown and changed. If you would like to participate as […]

25th Street Mural Update

Our partnership with RYSE Center to complete a vivid, artistic new mural at our 25th Street entrance is moving right along. Thanks to the Richmond Community Foundation, we received a mini-grant to work with our partner RYSE to completely revamp our mural. Students meet each week for several hours to work on the design they’ve […]
