Press Release: Richmond Art Center Awarded California Arts Council “Arts Education: Extension” Grant


State funds support Richmond Art Center’s Art in the Community arts education programming

[Richmond, CA] – The California Arts Council announced its plans to award $13,500 to the Richmond Art Center as part of its Arts Education: Extension program.

As a segment of the California Arts Council Arts Education grant opportunities, Extension grants support arts education programs for PreK-12 students that operate after school and during the summer, on school sites, in artistic venues, and in community settings. The intention of the program is to offer young people sequential, hands-on training in artistic disciplines, including dance, literary arts, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts.

The funding from the California Arts Council will support Art in the Community’s after school artist residencies in West Contra Costa County Unified School District (WCCUSD) elementary schools. The 20 week residencies will take place over the course of the 2018-2019 school year, in partnership with the district’s office of expanded learning.

The Richmond Art Center is one of 169 grantees chosen for the Arts Education: Extension program. The award was featured as part of a larger announcementfrom the California Arts Council.

“The Arts Education Extension program capitalizes on the potential to create arts learning opportunities for California’s young people whenever and wherever possible,” said Nashormeh Lindo, California Arts Council Chair. “Projects like the Richmond Art Center’s Art in the Community program allow for the positive impacts of arts engagement to continue undeterred.”

To view a complete listing of all Arts Education Extension grantees, visit

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About the Richmond Art Center: The Richmond Art Center is the largest visual arts center in the East Bay, delivering exciting arts experiences to young and old alike who reflect the diverse richness of our community. The Art Center features hands-on learning, well-equipped studios, Art in the Community programs and contemporary exhibitions in its galleries.

Every year, the Richmond Art Center serves thousands of students through classes and programs taught by professional artists, both onsite at the Art Center and at sites throughout Richmond. The Art Center’s four galleries mount rotating exhibitions that display the works of emerging and established Bay Area artists. Artists such as Richard Diebenkorn, Richard Misrach, Wanxin Zhang, Mildred Howard, Bella Feldman, Hung Liu, William Wiley, June Schwartz, and David Park have been showcased here.

The Richmond Art Center originated in 1936, when local artist Hazel Salmi, who worked for the WPA, traversed the streets of Richmond with a suitcase packed with art supplies, eager to teach art to anyone interested. Today, everything at the Art Center continues to breathe life into Salmi’s original vision: That within every person lives an artist.

About the California Arts Council: The mission of the California Arts Council, a state agency, is to advance California through the arts and creativity. The Council is committed to building public will and resources for the arts; fostering accessible arts initiatives that reflect contributions from all of California’s diverse populations; serving as a thought leader and champion for the arts; and providing effective and relevant programs and services.

Members of the California Arts Council include: Chair Nashormeh Lindo, Vice Chair Larry Baza, Phoebe Beasley, Christopher Coppola, Juan Devis, Kathleen Gallegos, Jaime Galli, Donn K. Harris, Louise McGuinness, Steven Oliver, and Rosalind Wyman. Learn more at


Visit the Richmond Art Center’s website for more information:

Contact for more information:

Julie Sparenberg
Communications Director
