Crayons Remade


Recycle your old crayons into crazy color combos. Reimagine your color capabilities!

What you will need:

  • Crafting space and tray to peel and snap crayon pieces
  • Broken crayons
  • Silicone baking mold or mini cupcake pan with paper cups
  • Old cookie sheet (to protect from spills)
  • Oven mitt
  • Oven (permission to use it and/or adult help)

Begin Creating:

  1. Prepare your crafting space by laying down some junky paper or cardboard to protect your work surface from crayon bits. I laid out a piece of parchment paper on a cutting board at my kitchen counter. 
  2. Preheat Oven to 275 F degrees. Ask an adult’s permission and help to use the stove. Using the oven requires responsibility, don’t forget to set the timer and turn the stove off when you’re done. 
  3. Remove all paper from crayons and sort by color. I like to keep mine in baggies and store what I don’t use for next time.
  1. Fill each cup mold with different colors of broken crayon pieces. If using the baking mold, put it on the old baking sheet. Alternatively, if you’re using the mini cupcake pan with paper cups, it’s fine by itself, without a cookie sheet under it. I try not to overfill my cups, we don’t want to have an overflow of melted crayons! I want you to think creatively about your color combos. You can try matches you find in nature, like colors of your favorite objects and clothing patterns, or new ideas you make up. You can line them up in a cup, try stacking crayon pieces in a certain way, or by color.
  2. Bake in the oven for 7-8 minutes. I used the silicone mold to make my crayons and baked them on an old cookie sheet. I used the same parchment paper from the cutting board on the cookie sheet (after dusting it off over the trash can of all the crayon bits). I wait until they are just-completely melted.
  1. Remove the tray from the oven. Using your oven mitt, remove the tray and place on the stove top to cool for 30 minutes. 
  2. Pop them out and get coloring! Don’t forget the clean up 😉

Share your creation with us! Facebook, Instagram or email it to

Teaching Artist: Annie Gwathney 
