Our Donors
Generous Supporters Make Our Work Possible
As a nonprofit organization, we depend on financial support from many sources of funding. Our programs are possible thanks to generous support from the City of Richmond and the following institutions, foundations, individuals and businesses.
- 111 GPC Fund
- Anonymous
- Airtable
- Blue Shield California
- Bretall Family Fund
- California Arts Council
- California Endowment
- California Humanities
- Chamberlin Education Foundation
- Chamberlin Family Foundation
- City of Richmond
- Claire and Theodore Morse Foundation
- Collins Management Foundation
- Contra Costa County
- Crescent Porter Hale Foundation
- Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation
- Eames Foundation
- East Bay Community Foundation
- East Bay Fund for Artists
- East Bay Municipal Utility District
- Elizabeth E. Bettelheim Family Foundation
- Fidelity Charitable
- Fischer Family Fund
- Fleishhacker Foundation
- Hass Family Fund
- Horizons Foundation
- Jacobs & Company
- Jay DeFeo Foundation
- Jewish Community Federation
- Joseph & Vera Long Foundation
- Kaiser Permanente
- Lisa Esherick Fund
- M.A. Hays Co.
- Marin Community Foundation
- Mechanics Bank
- Morris Stulsaft Foundation
- MSH Group
- National Endowment for the Arts
- Ninomiya – Koda Charitable Foundation
- Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Of California
- Oliver and Company
- Overaa Construction
- Phillips 66
- Richard and Emily Levin Foundation
- Richard Diebenkorn Foundation
- Richmond Arts and Culture Commission
- Richmond Fund for Children and Youth
- Robin Wright Family Fund
- Rotary Club of Richmond
- Salesforce
- Schwab Charitable
- Silicon Valley Community Foundation
- Sims Metal
- Soroptimist International of Richmond
- Spitfire Strategies
- TahDah Foundation
- Thomas & Rebecca Riley Charitable Fund
- Tides Foundation
- Union Pacific Railroad
- West Contra Costa Unified School District
- Zellerbach Family Foundation
Updated 9/27/23
- Anonymous
- Daniel Aarons
- Chris Ahn
- Sarah Antonich
- Jeff Atwood
- Victoria Mary Ayres
- Jessie Banuelos
- Eileen & Ralph Battat
- Donelda Bernard
- Mona Bernstein
- Andrea Biren
- Phyllis Bischof
- Stephen Bischoff
- Lisa Blade
- Laura Blair
- Susan Brand
- Stella Breslin
- Inez Brooks-Myers
- Donna Brorby
- Erle Brown
- Byron Brown
- Jan Brown
- Marguerite Browne
- Marcia Brown-Machen
- Rauly Butler
- Italo Calpestri
- Chandra Cerrito
- Margi Cellucci
- Susan Chamberlin
- Marion Christ
- Rebecca Clyde
- Catherine Coates
- Margaret Conklin
- Martha Conklin
- Rosemary and Douglas Corbin
- Larry Craighill
- Michael Dear
- Carla Della Zoppa
- Pamela Dernham
- Edward and Yoshimi Downer
- Gail Eierweiss
- Gene Erickson
- David Ferrazares
- Wendy Fiering
- Christine Finch
- John Friedman
- Marisa Gallagher
- Joshua Genser
- Cynthia George
- Kate Godfrey
- Colleen Gorski-Haraden
- Brian Gross
- Erica Grubb
- Claude Gruen
- Patricia Guthrie
- Sue Hartman
- Beatrice Ann Hartman
- Peter Hass
- Melanie Hassel
- Jean Henderson
- Ruth Henrich
- David Herr
- Robert Herr
- Nettie Hoge
- David Hodges
- Susan Hodges
- Sue Hodges
- Mark Howe
- Leanna Hudson
- Maritza Ilario
- Irene Imfeld
- Matt and Margaret Jacobson
- Alice Johnson
- Michelle Johnston
- William Johnston
- Joell Jones
- Heidi Jones
- Mady Julian
- Helaine Kaplan Prentice
- Mary Jean Keegan
- Elizabeth Kellas and George Tomberlin
- Katherine Kiehn
- Jeffrey Kilbreth
- Nicole Kite
- Karen Erika Klier
- Lisa Krepela
- Bertha Lay
- Dale Leonudakis
- Gary Levin
- Philip Linhares
- Anabel Lippincott
- Cynthia Lloyd
- Emily Lloyd
- Barbara Loveless
- Lynn Maack
- Nancy Malone
- Matthew Matsuoka
- Madeline McComb
- Dana McDonald
- Liz McDonough
- Don McGray
- Martin McNair
- James Melchert
- William Miner
- Susan Moffat
- Vicki Moore
- Jeff Nathanson
- Susan Newmeyer
- Wendy Niles
- Samuel Noily
- Anna Nomura
- Stephen Nomura
- Richard Norris and David Madsen
- Owen and Ellengale Oakley
- Lydia Ochoa
- Jihong Ok
- Steven Oliver
- Edith Ostapik
- Jerry Overaa
- Elizabeth Overmyer
- Carol Owens
- Dina Pecceu
- Ellen Pechman
- Renee Perry
- Stefanie Phillips
- Carlos Privat
- Susan Pulliam
- Robin Rahmgren
- Bikram Randhawa
- Maggie Resnick
- Richard Reynolds
- Virginia Rigney
- Judith Rigney
- Richard Rigney
- Rebecca Riley
- Anne Rogers
- Marlies Rosmark
- Michele Rowe-Shields
- Sara Ruddy
- Jessi Rymill
- Laurel Scheinman
- Susan Schliesmann
- Aliza Shapiro
- Laura Shefler
- Joyce Shon and James Wheeler
- Patrick Simien
- Harmeet Singh
- Madeleine Sloane
- Colleen Claire Smallfield
- Franklin Snitz
- Elizabeth Sojourner
- Valerie Sopher
- Lynn Ellen Stelmah
- Michael Stephens
- Josh Surowitz
- Phoebe Tanner
- Denise Thomas
- Richard and Kathleen Casey Thompson
- Ama Torrance
- Caitlin Trahan
- Hurley Trust
- Lida Urban
- Theodore Urban
- Lina Velasco
- Gabriela Velasco
- Hans Waller
- Peter Waller
- Elizabeth Doyle Waller
- Catherine Waller
- Hans Waller
- Diana Wear
- John Wehrle
- Karen Weil
- Debra Weintraub
- Paul Werner
- Irene Wibawa
- Kirby & Amy Wilcox
- James Wilson
- Susan Wittenberg
- Susan Wolf
- Greg World
- Tiffany Xu
- Robin Young
- Monique Ziesenhenne
- John Ziesenhenne
* $250+, Updated 6/22/23
Special thanks to our dedicated volunteers who collectively donate thousands of hours to make our work possible.