Dear Richmond Art Center Patrons, Board and staff,
As you know, we’ve been looking forward to the #EastBayGives campaign as a way to engage our community and raise funds to support the variety of wonderful programs the Art Center offers year-round: classes, free events and exhibitions, scholarships for youth and adults, arts education for almost 2,000 WCCUSD schoolchildren through our Art in the Community program and professional development for public school teachers.
The East Bay Gives platform is powered by Kimbia, an online fundraising program based in Austin, TX. Kimbia’s platform ceased to work in the early hours of the campaign and many of our donors were disappointed that they were not able to participate in this online event to support us. This major snafu has impacted numerous “WeGive” campaigns across the country.
We are encouraged by the outpouring of generosity of those who stopped by our “Donation Station” here today at the Art Center, and would like to encourage you to keep us in your giving thoughts by donating to us directly on our website, at the front desk, or in the donation box in our Main Gallery.
Your donations do help to support many important programs here at the Art Center and we thank you for your ongoing generosity.
On behalf of myself and the entire staff of the Richmond Art Center, my thanks and appreciation.
Ric Ambrose