The Latest Edition | Celebrating Pride | Live Online Soon! | Summer Fun for Young Artists
Taller de comunicación gratuito (Free Communications Workshop)
The Latest Edition

Summer 2021 Class Catalog
Our Summer Class Catalog is here! Register today for online classes starting weekly June through August.
Summer 2021 Class Catalog PDF (download to print or share with your friends!)
Cover image: Artwork by Dawline-Jane Oni-Eseleh @disfordilettante. Dawline is teaching Visual Journaling this summer!
Celebrating Pride

Drag Queen Story Hour with PerSia
Saturday, June 12, 10am-11am PST | FREE
Richmond Art Center celebrates Pride with this special online event. Join PerSia as she reads A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo by Jill Twiss. This event is for kids and their families.
Drag Queen Story Hour captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.
Live Online Soon! Artist Talks with Richmond artists & their peers

End in Sight
Three Artists’ Bittersweet Journey Through a Pandemic
Online Artists’ Talk: Thursday, June 24, 7-8pm PST
Three Richmond artists – Elishes Cavness, Tiffany Conway and Marva – have studios very close to each other, and over the past eighteen months have developed a special bond.
Image: Tiffany Conway, Zany Zoom, 2021
Summer Fun for Young Artists

Online Summer Art Experiences for Kids!
We’ve lined up some exciting online activities to keep young artists creative this summer! Drop in to single classes or sign up for an entire session. Unicorn Camp, Squishy Wonderful Clay, plus so much more… For Ages 5+
Taller de comunicación gratuito (Free Communications Workshop)

Cuenta Tu Historia
Taller: Sábado, 12 de junio, 9:15 am – 11:15 am
Un taller de narración personalizado para líderes, defensores y aquellos motivados a hablar por y servir de manera significativa a su comunidad.
En este taller de 90 minutos facilitado por The Practice Space, los participantes aprenderán cómo crear y entregar historias personales convincentes, conectar las experiencias personal con los temas importantes, y tendrán la oportunidad de agregar sus historias a un repositorio creciente de historias de personas que viven y trabajan en la ciudad de Richmond.
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