Press Release: Art of the African Diaspora at Macy’s Union Square
Macy’s Union Square in San Francisco presents a satellite exhibition for Art of the African Diaspora in honor of Black History Month Featured artists: Derrick Bell, Stephen Bruce, Orin Carpenter, Tiffany Conway, Kelvin Curry, Andrea McCoy Harvey, and Akili Simba Exhibition Dates: February 13 – 28, 2021Meet the Artists: February 13 & 14, 20 & […]
Welcome Sarah! Our CAC ACF Fellow

We are so excited to announce that Richmond Art Center has been selected as one of ten host organizations for the inaugural California Arts Council’s Administrators of Color Fellowship. This fellowship is administered by the School of Arts and Culture at the Mexican Heritage Plaza. Richmond Art Center’s fellow is production manager and non-profit administrator […]
Atiba Sylvia Thomas

Atiba Sylvia Thomas About: My artwork resonates a process of gathering, reflecting, composing, juxtaposing and reassemble. My color palette comes from mélange of re-claimed organic items, things others have thrown away: metal scraps, industrial leavings, abandoned commonplace objects, castoff baubles,junked trinkets, and other discarded odds and ends. My new discovery medium is acrylic pour over […]
Press Release: Art of the African Diaspora

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFebruary 3, 2021 Art of the African Diaspora 2021 Featuring Over 110 Artists of African Descent Online Exhibition: February 11 – May 16, 2021Online Reception: Saturday, March 20, 3pm Richmond, CA: Art of the African Diaspora, in partnership with Richmond Art Center, supports artists of African descent in the Bay Area through representation, professional […]
Ora Clay

Ora Clay About: In Alabama, as a young child, I observed my mother making quilts for our beds on a quilting frame made with two-by- fours. I watched her stretch the balls of cotton that we grew on the farm into a batting layer, and wash and soften flour sacks for backing fabric. The pieced […]
Valerie Brown-Troutt

Valerie Brown-Troutt VALERIE BROWN-TROUTTSomething wonderful happened to me during the summer of 1999. I claimed and discovered my artist: Me! I went to several second hand shops and bought old canvas and found thrown away framed pictures and took them apart, covered them with gesso and started a studio on my patio.I got lost for […]
Patricia Perry

Patricia Perry About: Painting has always held a special place in my heart. Art reflects, radiates and reveals God’s omnipresence here on earth. It can stimulate the wonderment of ones mind to not only see its visual beauty, but to feel the essence of the wind. I live to paint another day!
Bill A. Dallas

Bill A. Dallas About: From early childhood until now Bill A. Dallas has been connected with music and painting – especially the beauty of jazz, and how it reflects his style of painting, which he calls artmatism. The significance of all music plays an important part in his art world, which goes far beyond just […]
Latisha Baker

Latisha Baker About: Latisha Baker Artworks is a handmade creative art business based in Oakland, CA. Latisha is self-taught and started as a hobbyist over 25 years ago making jewelry and home accessories with found materials consisting of a variety of wood and natural materials. She continues to develop art practice as a wearable art […]
Antt’Smalls aka AnttonioDesigns

Antt’Smalls aka AnttonioDesigns About: Anthony “AnttonioDesigns” Smalls aka TheCounselorandCreator, outside the art world I’ve enjoyed working as a counselor for adolescents and adults. Helping others is something I have always been passionate about. With art being my passion outside of work it may be hard sometimes to find a day to paint when you’re working […]