Richmond Art Center
Richmond Art Center

Annual Members Meeting and Board Election on June 11

SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.

The Richmond Art Center’s annual members meeting will be held at the Art Center (Painting Studio) at 4:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to elect 6 members to the Board of Directors of the Art Center.

Ballots will be available and must be submitted between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m.  at the front desk at the Art Center.  All members are eligible to vote and at least twenty must vote for the election to be valid.

Executive Director Ric Ambrose will provide an update on the Art Center’s accomplishments of the past year and plans for the next year.  The meeting will be followed by the reception for the summer exhibits at 5:00 p.m.

The Board has set the number of directors for fiscal year 2016-2017 at 17 members.

Richmond Art Center Hosts Racial Justice Coalition

On May 21, the Richmond Art Center hosted the Contra Costa Racial Justice Coalition community meeting, “Priorities for Racial Justice in Contra Costa County.” This Town Hall meeting to discuss priorities for Racial Justice in Contra Costa County. Great ideas were shared on the criminal justice system, housing and transitional housing, education for youth & job trainings, health, mental health & substance treatment. Introductions on behalf of the Richmond Art Center were presented by our Art in the Community Coordinator Cristina Haley and our Deputy Director Rebeca Garcia-Gonzalez. The event was organized by Tamisha Torres of the Safe Return Project and Claudia Jiminez of Contra Costa Interfaith Supporting Community Organizations (CCISCO). Supervisor John Gioia and a representative from Congressman Mark Desaulnier’s office joined as well.

Participants discussed the County’s new task force to make the county’s criminal justice system more just and equitable, removing racial bias, and the importance of community advocacy to advance these issue. About 50 community and religious leaders came to learn about the County’s budget and brainstorm priorities that match the community’s needs.

The breakout groups met in our studios. We were pleased to note that some attendees had never been at our Center and remarked on what a beautiful space it was.

Images courtesy of Rebeca Garcia-Gonzalez and Healthy Richmond.


We made it to the finals! Please vote for us!

We’re finalists in both the Parent’s Press Best of the Bay AND Best of Oakland Magazine 2016.

Please Vote for the Richmond Art Center!
Final Round Voting ends May 31!

parents pressThank you for your first round of votes; with your help we made it to the final round! Please take a moment to cast your vote in this final round for both of the following publications!
Parent’s Press: We are finalists for the following categories in West Contra Costa County!

1. Best Art Camp
2. Best Classes and Enrichment (Art)
3. Best Enrichment and AfterSchool programs
4. Best Place to Entertain a Teen


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Best of Oakland Magazine 2016: We are finalists in the Best Art Classes category!

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Now Hiring! Jewelry and Metal Teaching Artist and Lead Monitor

Be Part of our Team

Today, everything we do at the Richmond Art Center continues to breathe life into our founder Hazel Salmi’s original vision: That within every person lives an artist. Join the largest visual arts center in the East Bay and help us bring arts experiences to people of all ages.

We’re hiring!

We have two amazing opportunities in our Jewelry and Metals department! Please check them out:

 Jewelry and Metal Teaching Artist

Jewelry and Metal Lead Monitor

May is for Members!

may membership

Thank you for being a vital part of the Art Center community!

We would like to offer our members a complimentary gallery walkthrough, lead by Exhibitions Director Jan Wurm, on Saturday, May 14, from 2-3 pm.

Please RSVP! Stop by the front desk, call us at 510 620 6772, or email us at

Our Members Exhibition is coming up!

Become a member of the Art Center at the Artist Level or higher to submit your work to the 2016 Members Exhibition.

The annual Members Exhibition opens our summer with the sights and textures of the diverse work of our members. The deadline to participate is Sunday, May 22.

Click here for more information about the Members Show and find out how to submit your work.

Our Message Regarding #EastBayGives Campaign

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Dear Richmond Art Center Patrons, Board and staff,

As you know, we’ve been looking forward to the #EastBayGives campaign as a way to engage our community and raise funds to support the variety of wonderful programs the Art Center offers year-round: classes, free events and exhibitions, scholarships for youth and adults, arts education for almost 2,000 WCCUSD schoolchildren through our Art in the Community program and professional development for public school teachers.

The East Bay Gives platform is powered by Kimbia, an online fundraising program based in Austin, TX. Kimbia’s platform ceased to work in the early hours of the campaign and many of our donors were disappointed that they were not able to participate in this online event to support us. This major snafu has impacted numerous “WeGive” campaigns across the country.

We are encouraged by the outpouring of generosity of those who stopped by our “Donation Station” here today at the Art Center, and would like to encourage you to keep us in your giving thoughts by donating to us directly on our website, at the front desk, or in the donation box in our Main Gallery.

Your donations do help to support many important programs here at the Art Center and we thank you for your ongoing generosity.

On behalf of myself and the entire staff of the Richmond Art Center, my thanks and appreciation.

Ric Ambrose

Weekend Update: Cinco de Mayo!

The Richmond Art Center represented this weekend as part of the Cinco de Mayo Parade on Saturday, and the Cinco de Mayo Festival on 23rd Street on Sunday. Our Art in the Community staff supported the families who took part in the float parade. This partnership between the Richmond Art Center, The Latina Center and the Richmond High School was made possible through the generosity of the City of Richmond’s Neighborhood Public Art program and the San Pablo Koshland Fellows.

The goals of both float design classes included involving teens, their parents and their siblings in civic efforts, to encourage them to learn about the Peace and Unity Parade’s history, and to teach the to take an art idea through the entire design process. The colorful floats were created with recyclables and carried conservation and social messaging designed by  families from San Pablo and Richmond. The Latino Spanish-speaking families attended a free, eight week float design class taught by Richmond Art Center teaching artists Patricia Rodriguez and Simon Tran, who are part of the Art in the Community program.

On Sunday, the day when the 23rd St Merchant’s Association organized their 5 de Mayo parade, our Studio program staff was on hand with several volunteers to help hundreds of parade goers to learn more about the Center. Those who stopped by our spacious booth were rewarded with an art-making activity, picked up promotional materials about the work of the Richmond Art Center and even filled out scholarship applications. It was a warm day, full of fun and adventure at the corner of 23rd and Garvin streets!

Visit and Contact

Richmond Art Center
2540 Barrett Avenue
Richmond, CA 94804-1600


Contact and Visitor Info
Gallery Hours: Wed-Sat 10am-4pm

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