Right Here, Right Now 2024 CALL FOR ENTRY (English)

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Right Here, Right Now: A Biennial of Richmond Art
Calling all Richmond Artists! Free Entry!
Exhibition Dates: July 3 – August 30, 2024
Location: Richmond Art Center’s Main Gallery
Richmond Art Center invites all artists who live and/or work in Richmond to submit work for Right Here, Right Now: A Biennial of Richmond Art. Now in its third iteration, this exhibition looks at the excellent and risk-taking new work being made in our city. The exhibition will be installed in Richmond Art Center’s Main Gallery.
In Right Here, Right Now 2024, selected artists will receive a $2,000 stipend to create new work and/or present existing current work. Artist selection will be via a digital review of submissions by a jury panel.
Jurors: Liliana Herrera, Roberto Martinez, AJ Serrano, & Svea Lin Soll
The deadline to enter is Monday, October 16, 2023, 11:59pm.
Right Here, Right Now, Richmond was born in the winter of 2020 with the purpose of creating a platform to equitably grow and sustain innovative art practices for Richmond artists and audiences. The 2020 gathering brought together 29 local artists in an exhibition that put forward the dynamic and groundbreaking work being made in our city. In true celebration of the vibrancy of Richmond, this exhibition showcased the incredible diversity in art practice, mediums, and lived experiences that make up our community.
As we welcome the third biennial of Right Here, Right Now, Richmond, we are excited to announce that this exhibition will now be presented in Richmond Art Center’s Main Gallery. Richmond Art Center embraces this new tradition as an opportunity to continue our commitment to support the visionary work of contemporary artists working and living in Richmond.
This exhibition will be juried by a panel of four jurors made up of local curators, cultural workers, and arts professionals. The jury panel will select 7 artists to participate in the final exhibition. Each selected artist will be provided a $2,000 stipend to create new work and/or present existing work. Artists will be notified if they are selected by Friday, September 22, 2023. Selected artists will then be invited to participate in a studio visit with Richmond Art Center’s Exhibition Director. Studio visits are informal events; they may be in-person or via an online zoom meeting. The goal of the studio visit for artists to share more about their creative process and discuss potential work for exhibition.
About the Jurors: Liliana Herrera is the Exhibitions and Collections Associate at NIAD Art Center and an Doctoral Candidate at Harvard University; Chris Kerr is the Exhibitions Director at Richmond Art Center; AJ Serrano is a multidisciplinary artist who grew up in Richmond; Svea Lin Soll is Curator, Art Advisor, Director at Johansson Projects.
- Submission Deadline: Monday, October 16, 2023 at 11:59pm
- Artist Notification By: November 2023
- Studio Visits: Scheduled in December 2023
- Exhibition Dates: July 3, 2024 – August 30, 2023
- Reception: TBD
Eligibility: Participation is open to all artists and collaborative groups who live and/or work in Richmond. Richmond artists may work in collaboration with artists from outside Richmond. Entries should be submitted by artists 16 years and older. Artists who have been selected for Right Here, Right Now in the past are eligible to enter again with new work.
Entry Fees: None!
Artwork Requirements:
- Media: All media accepted
- New and original work: Artwork submissions must be original work created since 2022 that have not previously been exhibited at Richmond Art Center.
Number of Artworks: Artists may submit up to four artworks per entry
Artwork information: Include artwork information for each submission (title, year, media, approx dimensions)
Digital Images: Image files should be jpgs with a maximum file size of 1 MB
OPTIONAL Artist Bio and Statement: Artists may include a brief statement and/or bio with their submission
TIP: Images must be less than 1 MB to upload to our database. If you do not have access to image editing software (Photoshop, etc) then try using an online program to resize your images (eg. imagecompressor.com)
Selection: Entry does not guarantee selection for the exhibition.
Insurance: Richmond Art Center shall insure selected artworks for the duration of the exhibition
Images: Artists agree to allow Richmond Art Center to use images of selected artworks for publicity and education purposes. RAC will grant credit to the Artist as specified on any labels, educational and publicity materials.
Artwork Loan Form: When selected artists drop off their artworks to RAC they will be asked to sign an artwork loan form. Artists may request a copy of this form in advance.